
ASDK - Asociación Shotokan Dento Karate Do

It was born in December 2012 with a small group of enthusiastic karatekas trained in traditional Karate in order to promote traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate in Spain. We have the mission to provide a fair and legitimate partnership, offering the best of traditional Japanese karate through modern training methods and open learning approach. Our goal is to provide top-level instruction with the senseis who have become some of the best in the world.

Since 2017 the ASDK is the representative of HDKI in Spain, forming the group HDKI Spain and following the technical guidelines of Hombu Dojo Karate International, as well as the degree program.

Since 2016 the ASDK is also part of the Federation of Traditional Martial Arts, which is affiliated in the section of Karate Jutsu and within which collaborates with the organisation of seminars and participation in tournaments.